PlaneTicket Practice Problem from Class


Writing class, methods, and functions

  1. Write a PlaneTicket class with attributes: departure_city: str, arrival_city: str, departure_time: int, ticket_cost: float.
  2. Write an __init__ magic method that takes city_a: str, city_b: str, depart: int, and cost: float as arguments as creates a new PlaneTicket with the attributes departure_city = city_a, arrival_city = city_b, departure_time = depart, and ticket_cost = cost.
  3. Write a __str__ magic method to print out ticket info. (Format however you want.)
  4. Write a delay method that takes delay_hours: int as an argument and increases the departure_time by that much. (Think of time like military time… 1 am is 0100, 1 pm is 1300, etc.)
  5. Write a discount method that takes a discount: float as an argument and discounts ticket_cost by that percent. (E.g. if discount = .15, then discount ticket_cost by 15%)
  6. Write a compare_prices function that compares the cost of two tickets (takes ticket1: PlaneTicket and ticket2: PlaneTicket as arguments) and returns the cheaper ticket.

Writing code to instantiate class and test methods and functions

  1. Create a PlaneTicket object that starts in “Raleigh” and ends in “New Orleans”. It departs at 10 am (1000) and costs $85.25.
  2. Print out the ticket info.
  3. Delay the flight by 2 hours.
  4. Discount it by 10%.
  5. Create another PlaneTicket object that starts in “Orlando” and ends in “San Fransisco”. It departs at 11 am (1100) and costs $100.50.
  6. Print out the which ticket is cheaper using the compare_prices function.


from __future__ import annotations

class PlaneTicket:
    departure_city: str
    arrival_city: str
    departure_time: int
    ticket_cost: float
    def __init__(self, city_a: str, city_b: str, depart: int, cost: float):
        """Initialize PlaneTicket Class"""
        self.departure_city = city_a
        self.arrival_city = city_b
        self.departure_time = depart
        self.ticket_cost = cost
    def __str__(self) -> str:
        """Visualize my ticket"""
        my_ticket_str: str = f"Depart from {self.departure_city} at {self.departure_time}. "
        my_ticket_str += f"Arrive at {self.arrival_city}. It costs ${round(self.ticket_cost, 2)}."
        return my_ticket_str 
    def delay(self, delay_hours: int) -> None:
        """Delay departure_time by delay_hours"""
        self.departure_time += (delay_hours * 100)
        self.departure_time %= 2400
    def discount(self, discount: float) -> None:
        """Discount ticket_cost by 'discount'"""
        #If discounting by .15, then multiply by (1-.15) 
        self.ticket_cost = self.ticket_cost * (1 - discount)
def compare_prices(ticket1: PlaneTicket, ticket2: PlaneTicket) -> PlaneTicket:
    """Return the cheaper ticket"""
    if ticket1.ticket_cost < ticket2.ticket_cost: 
        return ticket1
    else: #ticket1 cost >= ticket2
        return ticket2

my_ticket: PlaneTicket = PlaneTicket("Raleigh", "New Orleans", 1000, 85.25)



other_ticket: PlaneTicket = PlaneTicket("Orlando", "San Fransisco", 1100, 100.50)

print(compare_prices(my_ticket, other_ticket))

Memory Diagram

Per request, I made a memory diagram of this code (skipping the second calls to __init__ and __str__).

  1. Code Snippet 1 | Code Snippet 2 | Solution
Contributor(s): Alyssa Byrnes